Getting Started#

I would recommend using vs code to develop virtue. It has many helpful extensions, including a skill code extension for syntax highlighting.

  1. Make sure you have mambaforge (conda) installed. If not you can install it:

    Setup mambaforge#
    make install-conda-dev
  2. Create a new Conda development environment with all the Virtue dependencies installed

    create a conda development environment#
    1conda env create -f environment.yml
  1. Install virtue as an editable package.

    Install virtue as an editable package#
    2conda activate virtue-dev
    3pip install --no-deps -e .
  1. Initiailize the virtue SKILL environement by following the standard installation instructions.

    Initialize the environment#
    5virtue env init
  1. Install pre-commit git hooks

    create a conda development environment#
    7pre-commit install
  2. If you’re using VS Code as your IDE, then install the extensions recommended by the workspace.

Writing Documentation#

The documentation is built using the Sphinx static site generator and the pydata theme.

We use sphinx-autobuild to automatically rebuild the documentation whenever it changes. To start the auto-build, open a new terminal in the project repo root directory and start it by calling the following. If you’re using a vs code integrated terminal then a box will popup asking you to open the auto-built docs in a web browser. Otherwise navigate to the indicated URL.

Start the docs’ auto-build#
5make auto-docs

To rebuild the documentation a single time:

Build the docs’ once#
5make docs