SKILL Code guidelines#

SKILL Code Expectations#

The following expectations are set to ensure the quality and consistency of Virtue SKILL package’s code.

  • SKILL code should be written using c-style function calls rather than lisp-style.

  • Each file should contain less than 200 lines of code.

  • Applications with gui elements should seperate the gui code from the underlying functionality. The functionality should have a function that allows it to be called programmatically. This make it easy to test and reuse the code.

  • Public module functions should be documented with SKILL Docstrings.

  • Every module should have a set of unit tests demonstrating its functionality. These should be included in the tests/ folder.

SKILL Training#

SKILL Docstrings#

Docstrings should be used to document public functions

They should follow the following format which is compatible with the SKILL function browser:

Example SKILL docstring#
2"Does something very important.
3@brief A shorter description
4@param cellview The cellview object it will act on.
5@return importantList A list of important strings"
7 ...